Experience the Holistic Power of Color

Healthy Living with Colours

Colours can affect every aspect of our lives but sadly, we do not always consider that they are of any importance when it comes to our emotional or physical well-being. Colours have many therapeutic benefits, they can soothe us, help us to be more creative, even help us to heal and boost our general state of health.

We all take time to instinctively choose colours that appeal to us when purchasing clothes and we painstakingly choose colours for our home surroundings and yet, for most of us, we remain blissfully unaware of the importance of colour in our lives apart from whether we like them of course.

Colour can be used in so many different ways and we can benefit from the natural healing vibrations if we open up our minds to the possibilities. We rely too heavily on traditional medicines these days instead of remembering our natural health laws. Skilful use of colour can help us to eliminate our reliance on medicine. Colour therapy healing is used in traditional healing although it is known as a complementary therapy.

Red lights are used in traditional medicine for those suffering with migraine headaches or for very poor circulation. Blue lights (traditional colour for healing) may help to reduce inflammation and lower high blood pressure. Even if we are not completely aware of the importance of colour, we still instinctively choose the colours that we are drawn to such as:

Reds, yellows and orange tend to make us feel happy as they are warm colours but blues and purples are calming and soothing colours, we use them for relaxation purposes.

These colours can be chosen so that we naturally boost our energy levels and increase our vitality; they can improve our health and certainly enhance our moods and those around us.

Additional ways for developing our natural health are:

Meditation and Visualisation

Colour can be used with healing meditations. By picturing the colours we are drawn to, we can begin to heal ourselves and create a natural balance by learning basic meditation techniques.

Eat healthily

By making sure that our food is as natural and as brightly coloured as possible so that we reap all of the nutritious benefits.


Plant flowers with beautiful colours so that we can appreciate this natural beauty and experience the benefits of nature's colours inside and out.

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